Cesar Country Stew Adult Wet Dog Food Tray Chicken & Veg in Gravy 150g


£9.33 per kg
M&S Wine Sale

Product information

Cesar dog food Country Stew in sauce with tasty chicken, vegetables and brown rice is a delicious, wholesome and 100% complete dog food meal, carefully prepared with healthy, natural ingredients that your dog will really enjoy. Cesar dog food is designed to provide your canine friend with tasty wet dog food packed with nutrition.
100% Complete & Balanced wet dog food made with high quality ingredients

Our Cesar dog food comes in recyclable packaging, helping our environment. No added sugar, artificial colours or flavours.
Just pure, tasty tender chicken dog food. Cesar dog food provides locked in freshness, meaning your dog will enjoy tasty complete dog food just as it's meant to taste.

Feeding instructions

5 kg dog requires 2 1/2 - 2 3/4 trays daily
10 kg dog requires 4 - 4 1/2 trays daily
15 kg dog requires 5 1/2 - 6 1/2 trays daily.

Replace 1 tray with 32 - 38 g dry food. Allow a transition phase, adjust amounts and divide it into meals according to your pet's needs. Fresh water should always be available. Serve food at room temperature, surplus food can be chilled for up to 2 days.

About The Brand 

At Cesar, were all about sharing the joy of true friendship. Those everyday moments of shared joy between you & your bestie are what really makes a difference in life. And we believe that really good dog food has the power to spark even more moments like this.

For us, good complete dog food is healthy, natural ingredients, sustainably sourced & carefully crafted in a wide variety of tasty, 100% complete & balanced meals that you know are naturally good for your dog & the world they live in.

Typical ValuesAnalytical constituents (%):
Fat content:4.5
Inorganic matter:2.0
Crude fibre:0.60
Additives per kg:
Nutritional additives:
Vitamin D3:250 IU
Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate):1.1 mg
Iodine (Calcium iodate, anhydrous):0.22 mg
Iron (Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate):2.9 mg
Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate):1.7 mg
Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate):16.1 mg
Meat and Animal Derivatives (43%, of which 92% Natural*, including 4% Chicken Liver), Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Vegetables (including 0.8% Dried Carrot and Pea Mix, equivalent to 4% Carrot and Pea Mix), Minerals, Vegetable Protein Extracts, Herbs (0.02% Parsley), *Natural ingredients
Dietary Information
No Added Sugar


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